Study Correctly
The Best Biology Tuition In Singapore
We have 8,500+ experienced & qualified tutors who specialize in only Biology Home Tuition for the following:
- GCE O Level Biology Tuition
- GCE A Level Biology Tuition
- Secondary Biology Tuition
- Junior College Biology Tuition
- International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme Biology Tuition
- Integrated Programme Biology Tuition
Exam paper questions these days are usually set quite differently from the syllabus, so direct application learnt from concepts in textbooks is not enough
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- Qualified, Committed & Professional Tuition Teachers, Best Reviews
- Singapore's Biggest Database Of 55,000+ Home Tuition Teachers - MOE Teachers, Graduated/Undergraduate Tutors with Bachelor's, Master's, PhD In The Subject They Teach
- Results Guaranteed
What To Expect From Study Correctly's Professional Biology Tuition Teachers
Pick Your Ideal Tutor From Our Database of 8,500+ Experienced Biology Tutors
Latest MOE Syllabus And Newest Exam Requirements
No More Homework Frustrations
- Get Clear, Step By Step Explanations Of Concepts For Biology
- Master Difficult Content From Every Chapter
1 to 1 Biology Home Tuition Lessons = Devoted Focus And Attention From Your Patient & Dedicated Tutor
Fun And Engaging Tuition Lessons That Motivate Students To Learn “Boring” Concepts
- Develop Sharp Analytical Skills
- Acquire Tried And Tested Essential Methods To Study And Thoroughly Revise
- Produce Concise, Relevant, And Accurate Answers
Learn From Experienced Biology Tutors In The Comfort, Convenience, And Safety of Your Own Home
- Practice Expert Techniques For Responding To Structured And Application Questions
- Gain More Marks, Faster For School & National Exams
Receive A Practical Customized Study Schedule Tailored To Your Learning Styles And Needs
Learn Ahead Of The Syllabus, So That When Your School Teacher Covers It In Class, You Do Not Fear The New And Unfamiliar Content
Proven Methods To Scoring Well For Each Component Of Biology
Important Qualities to Look For In A Good Biology Tuition Teacher
- Our Biology tuition teachers range from current & former MOE teachers to undergraduate & graduated tutors (Bachelor’s, Master’s, PhD) majoring in Biology, Biomedical Engineering or Biochemical Engineering. Every tutor whose profile we will show you has a strong record of helping their students’ marks increase. They scored A’s for their own Biology exams, and can teach you useful exam tips and techniques so that you can achieve a quick boost to your grades
- To ensure the effectiveness of every Biology tuition session, Study Correctly will recommend only tutors who have relevant degrees (Bachelor’s, Master’s, PhD) in the subjects they teach. Each Biology tuition teacher must also have a track record of helping their students gain valuable marks during important exams
- The MOE changes the syllabus whenever there is a need to be current with industry/the economy’s needs, trends and developments
- These changes affect the Biology content – and importantly – the exam requirements, answer formats, and marking schemes
- It is crucial that the Biology tuition teacher is familiar with the most updated syllabus, and that what they teach does not contradict what is taught in your child’s school
- When providing recommendations of carefully-shortlisted Biology tuition teachers, Study Correctly will list and describe the relevant teaching experience of our tutors to assure you of their abilities to help students at your level to progress academically, and to achieve higher grades
- Homework is given by school teachers so that their students can practice what was taught in school. It is important to be up to date in doing your homework, so that you can internalize the content. When you hand in your homework, you will find out from your school teacher if you managed to correctly understand what was taught in class. Knowing this helps tremendously when you are revising content for your school exams and for the national exams. Revision is not useful if you are learning and re-learning the wrong concepts that you think are right. Giving your teacher the wrong answers will not help you gain higher marks
- Study Correctly’s Biology tuition teachers are experienced and have methodical knowledge of the exact skills and content that a student will need to excel in each of the chapters that you must master, in order to do well in your exams. Our Biology tutors are also able to create personalized learning schedules, so that their students are able to understand, absorb and retain new knowledge, more efficiently and within a short period of time
- The syllabus, content and examination practices differ for each level of education
- Many Biology students are frustrated with not being able to instinctively understand the content that is taught by their school teachers
- Our tutors are familiar with the newest MOE syllabus, and they have taught students at your academic level
- Study Correctly accepts tutor applications only when the tuition teacher has a degree (or is in the process of obtaining a degree) in the subject that they teach. This is to ensure that the private tutor has the necessary knowledge and expertise to adequately teach the correct content as well as to help the student arrive at error-free answers when responding to important exam questions
- When providing recommendations of carefully-shortlisted Biology tuition teachers, Study Correctly will describe the relevant teaching experience of our tutors to assure you of their abilities to help students at your level to progress academically, and achieve higher grades
- It is important that the Biology tuition teacher puts in the best effort when guiding and teaching you. A dedicated home tuition teacher will ask pertinent questions in order to know which areas you are struggling with. A committed private tutor is punctual and rarely would suggest that the lesson has to be re-scheduled. Competent tutors have scored A in Biology when they took their O and A Levels, and they would have at least a Bachelor’s in Biology. This means that their professional knowledge of Biology can help you achieve better grades, whether you are in secondary school or in junior college.
- When recommending Biology tuition teachers, Study Correctly will facilitate communication between you and the tutor to ensure that both parties have a common understanding of expectations before confirming the tuition arrangements.
- It is often the best for you to continue with one good tutor if the Biology tuition teacher is capable of teaching you and has already built a connection with you. This will ensure that you can benefit the most from his/her lessons since the tutor will be more familiar with your weaknesses and strengths, and can work on them throughout the subsequent academic levels
- Our Biology tuition teachers have between 2 to 30+ years of experience in teaching students who are often from different schools. These Biology tutors have accumulated notes and past year papers that they can provide to you for additional practice. Some tutors also prepare mind maps, common questions and pitfalls in past year papers, as well as self-designed practices referenced from assessment books
- Study Correctly will indicate in the tutor’s profiles if the Biology tuition teacher is able to provide materials and resources for the students, when we recommend between 4 to 10 qualified tutors to you
- Students each have different starting points as well as grade goals. Some students want to consistently score an A, and some students are aiming to get a C or a B for their national exams. Your Biology tuition teacher will evaluate your learning needs, and will suggest workbooks and practice sheets that are most suitable for you so that you can master content that will help you quickly achieve your grade targets
- The best Biology tuition teachers can identify their students’ root causes of learning challenges, within the first lessons. These Biology tutors are experienced in using relevant step by step methods to competently address these vulnerabilities. They will create a study roadmap to help you systematically learn difficult content within short periods of time
- We show tutor profiles only when they had received good feedback from parents and students. The quality of the Biology tuition teacher is very important to your academic success
- Study Correctly removes from our database the details of tutors who did not receive positive comments
Challenges Faced By Biology Students In Singapore
> Too much heavy and substantial content that must be memorized. You feel that the content would be easier to memorize if only you understood what is in the textbook, or if a credible teacher spends an exclusive 1.5 to 2 hours every week to explain the new concepts to you
> Being tested on content you have not learnt before, even though you had diligently studied stacks of Biology notes from school. It is quite common for students to find that his/her school did not teach certain aspects of a topic, and that this same topic was taught with much more breadth and depth at another school
> The answer scheme quality across schools varies as well. This means that the answers that earned an A in School T might be equivalent to only a B, if marked in School V. Students therefore get a rude shock once they take their GCE O Level or A Level exams. Having a good set of answering techniques and exam skills can determine if you are able to pass, or score a distinction
> Exam marks are scored based on the key words or phrases that a student writes in the answer. A student who can perfectly explain a phenomenon but does not use the key words emphasized in the textbook or exam question will not be rewarded with good marks. You need to learn how to include the most important key words in your answers, so that you can score higher marks
> Biology is taught at an alarmingly fast speed in school, and you have difficulty in keeping up. And, Biology is a subject that requires understanding, analyzing, interpreting data, memorizing and practicing
> Efficient time management is crucial. You may be stronger in certain question types and weaker in other areas. For example, if you are intimidated by data interpretation questions, it might be better for you to first attempt other essay questions
> You need to reinforce your abilities for the data interpretation question or long structured questions
> Unnecessary loss of marks because of confusion over which Biological concepts to apply, when faced with complex exam or homework questions
More exposure and practice now = less guesswork and panic during exams
Important Skills Taught By Study Correctly's Experienced Biology Tuition Teachers
Recommendations & Good Feedback From Students
Reviews of benefits from hiring experienced Biology tuition teachers from Study Correctly
Home Tuition Rates Singapore
Our home tuition rates are constantly updated in real-time, and are based on rates quoted by home tutors in Singapore. These market rates are derived from 39,000+ monthly tuition assignment applications from our pool of 55,000+ active home tutors
Tutors With 2 to 30+ Years of Private Tuition Experience
Tutor Hourly Rates
Master's/PhD/MOE Teachers
Primary School
$25 - $35
$35 - $45
$50 - $70
Secondary School
$30 - $40
$40 - $55
$60 - $90
Junior College
$40 - $50
$60 - $80
$90 - $120
$40 - $60
$60 - 90
$100 - $120
Benefits of Engaging a Reliable Biology Tuition Teacher
Just when you have finished preparing for one quiz, there is another coming up in 2 weeks’ time. Every day, new homework assignments and projects are added to a never-ending to-do list.
You can keep up, but just barely. This is stressful, especially when you dread the day when you cannot finish your homework in time because you don’t have the answers to the questions that your teachers asked.
Worse, your classmates – who are in your class because you had previously been achieving similar grades to theirs – are able to get the right answers and score higher marks. Very discouraging.
Good Biology tuition teachers will give you 1 to 1 attention, so that you can ask them how to solve those difficult homework and exam problems.
Study Correctly represents only qualified tuition teachers who already have a Bachelor’s, or are about to get one. Or they might have a Master’s or PhD in the subject that they are teaching you.
As they are experienced in teaching students in your academic level, they can easily and clearly explain to you what you need to know and do, so that you can urgently gain much higher marks.
Your Biology private tutors would also have materials to share with you – whether they are exam papers or homework assignments from other schools. Or, they would have good recommendations for you to buy workbooks that are most suitable for you to practice on, in order to gain mastery of the tricky concepts.
With Biology home tuition, you can get instant clarification in concepts that are difficult to understand.
You can also receive customised lesson plans tailored to suit your unique learning style and understanding of the different Biology topics, so that you may better absorb the content and understand the concepts.
Your Biology tuition teachers from Tutors Singapore are very familiar with the latest MOE syllabus and newest exam requirements. They have been teaching for between 2 to over 30 years and can identify the areas that you should focus on, according to your grade targets and pace of learning.
The current Biology syllabus can have content that is challenging for many students. Our Biology tuition teachers are experienced in teaching students at your academic level. They are familiar with the common misconceptions and the dangerous mistakes made by Biology students.
Double-checking your answers is useful only if you know how to create and put together the answers that the MOE really wants you to give.
Learn how to accurately analyze the questions, so that you can arrive at the answers that give you maximum marks.
Professional Biology tutors are able to show you how Biology concepts are applied when answering tricky exam questions.
You lost interest and became frustrated only because much of the syllabus did not make sense.
Once there is clarity and you are able to perform the simple and then the advanced tasks, your sense of achievement will lead you to better grades and even stronger mastery of Biology.
Students can be overwhelmed with having to maintain a healthy and balanced personal and academic life.
While it is beneficial to spend time developing leadership and team-building skills during co-curricular activities as well as having a good social life after school hours, this would also mean that students may have limited time to study.
Hiring a competent and professional Biology tuition teacher can help them to efficiently make use of their time when studying, so that they can holistically do even better in both their personal and academic lives.
Many Biology students fear speaking up and asking questions during lessons because they worry about being laughed at in class.
Biology 1 to 1 home tuition teachers will help students to have a better understanding of their lessons in school. Their home tuition teacher will patiently and clearly explain the difficult concepts to them.
Effective Biology tuition gives them the confidence of answering tricky questions when faced with unexpectedly challenging problems during school and national exams.
Our qualified Biology tuition teachers are experienced, and have thorough understanding of the common problems faced by Biology students.
They will be able to deconstruct complex Biology topics into simpler concepts, and customize learning materials to improve students’ understanding of these topics.
Increase your ability to give the RIGHT answers that your school exams and national exams require of you.
Engage the most competent and reliable Biology tuition teachers, to help you succeed.
Topics Covered by Study Correctly's Biology Tuition Teachers
Secondary School Biology Topics
Secondary School GCE O Level Biology: Specialised Cells, Tissues and Organs, Movement of Substances, Biological Molecules, Nutrition in Humans, Nutrition in Plants, Transport in Flowering Plants, Transport in Humans, Respiration in Humans, Excretion in Humans, Homeostasis, Co-ordination and Response in Humans, Reproduction, Cell Division, Molecular Genetics, Inheritance, Organisms and their Environment, Practical Assessment, and all the most important concepts
Junior College (JC) Biology Topics
Junior College GCE A Level H2 Biology: The Cell and Biomolecules of Life, Genetics and Inheritance, Energy and Equilibrium, Biological Evolution, Infectious Diseases, Impact of Climate Change on Animals and Plants, Practical Assessment, and all the most important concepts
International Baccalaureate (IB) Biology:
IBDP SL/HL Biology: Cell Biology, Molecular Biology, Genetics, Ecology, Evolution and Biodiversity, Human Physiology, Nucleic Acids, Metabolism, Cell Respiration and Photosynthesis, Plant Biology, Genetics and Evolution, Animal Physiology, Neurobiology and Behavior, Biotechnology and Bioinformatics, Ecology and Conservation, Human Physiology, Individual Investigation, and all the most important concepts
- Education in Singapore can be overwhelming and stressful, whether you are striving to maintain an A grade, or want to prevent the risk of having weaker grades.
- Just as hiring the right tutor can help you confidently achieve your grade objectives, engaging the wrong tutor can bring much misery when the student receives worse than expected grades at the school or national exams.
- Biology is an important subject that can help you build a strong foundation for undergraduate or graduate studies in Medicine, Pharmacy, Dentistry, Biochemistry, Environmental Science and Pharmaceutical Science.
- Science-related and STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) undergraduate courses are highly competitive, and your good grades in Biology will give you a competitive edge and a head-start in understanding the important content, compared to your peers.
- By studying Biology, students learn to make more informed decisions about their own health and about significant biological issues such as genetically modified crops, the use of antibiotics, and the eradication of invasive species.
- Careers that require a strong knowledge of Biology include: Research Scientist, Pharmacologist, Biologist, Teacher, Ecologist, Nature Conservation Officer, Biotechnologist, Forensic Scientist, and Science Writer.
- If you are struggling when studying or revising for Biology, getting reliable Biology tuition can ensure that you understand all the concepts covered in the syllabus. An experienced Biology tuition teacher can provide his/her full attention to resolve your learning challenges – and will guide you to be able to apply the knowledge that you have learnt, when faced with difficult questions during important school and national exams.
Start Biology Tuition at the convenience of your own home, now. Study Correctly provides Biology home tuition teachers all across Singapore. Learn in a safe & comfortable environment today, taught by Singapore's most popular Biology tuition teachers
Study Correctly - The Number 1 Biology Home Tuition Agency in Singapore
Study Correctly has a pool of 8,500+ experienced and skilled Biology tuition teachers who have helped their students achieve a jump of 2 to 3 grades. Some hardworking students managed to score distinctions despite previous failing marks.
Experience a transformation in your Biology grades, now.
Acquiring a stronger foundation in Biology is possible, when you hire committed, caring and professional tuition teachers.
Confidently find the best quality Biology tuition through Study Correctly today.
Pick your ideal tutor from the 4 to 10 Biology tuition teacher profiles that we will show you, and start achieving better grades (and start a much happier educational journey) within this month.
55,000 Qualified Tutors. Current/Former MOE Teachers, Biology Tutors With Proven Track Records, PhD/Master's/Post-Doctoral Tutors, Graduated/Undergraduate Reliable Tuition Teachers
Experienced Biology Tuition Teachers Who Helped Their Students Score Higher Marks Urgently
Ms RL has 17 years of Biology tuition experience. She has PhD in Biological Sciences Stanford University. Ms RL’s Bachelor’s in Biochemistry was from NUS (First Class Honours). Ms RL wrote the curriculum content for secondary school and junior college Biology for a leading group of tuition centres. Her private tuition students attended Tanjong Katong Girls’ School, Raffles Institution, NUS High School of Mathematics and Science, Eunoia Junior College, Catholic Junior College, and River Valley High School.
Ms AC has 11 years of Biology tuition experience. She has a Master’s in Cell, Molecular and Developmental Biology from NUS. Her Bachelor’s in Computational Biology was from NUS (First Class Honours). Ms AC’s private tuition students attended Raffles Girls’ School (Secondary), Singapore Chinese Girls’ School, Hwa Chong Institution (Integrated Programme), Anglo-Chinese Junior College, Victoria Junior College, and National Junior College.
Ms YE has 13 years of Biology tuition experience. She has a Bachelor’s in Biological Sciences from NTU (Honours). She taught at a tuition centre for 5 years. Ms YE’s private tuition students attended Crescent Girls’ School, Bedok South Secondary School, Anglican High School, Tampines Meridian Junior College, Anderson Serangoon Junior College, and River Valley High School.
Ms FJT has 14 years of Biology tuition experience. She is NIE-trained and taught at MOE schools for 9 years. Ms FJT has a Bachelor’s in Biological Sciences with 2nd major in Biomedical Structural Biology from NTU. Ms FJT’s private tuition students attended Victoria School (Integrated Programme), Temasek Junior College (Integrated Programme), St. Joseph’s Institution, Regent Secondary School, Northbrooks Secondary School, Greendale Secondary School, and Crescent Girls’ School.
Mr BM has 8 years of Biology tuition experience. He has a Bachelor’s in Life Sciences from NUS. Mr BM taught at a tuition centre for 1 year. His private tuition students attended Clementi Town Secondary School, CHIJ St Joseph’s Convent, Anglo-Chinese School (Independent), Jurong Pioneer Junior College, Nanyang Junior College, and St. Andrew’s Junior College.
Mr SWJ has 10 years of Biology tuition experience. He has a Bachelor’s in Life Sciences with specialisation in Molecular & Cell Biology from NUS (Honours). Mr SWJ taught at a tuition centre for 3 years and was an MOE contract teacher for 5 years. His private tuition students attended Zhonghua Secondary School, Xinmin Secondary School, St. Margaret’s Secondary School, Jurong Pioneer Junior College, St. Andrew’s Junior College, and Raffles Institution.
Singapore's Largest Team Of 8,500+ Successful Tuition Teachers Who Specialize In Teaching Biology
Hire Guaranteed Qualified Biology Tutors. Improve Your Grades Within The First Month
Ms YLH has 15 years of Biology tuition experience. She is NIE-trained and taught at junior colleges for 7 years. Ms YLH has a Bachelor’s in Biochemistry from NUS (2nd Upper Class Honours). Her private tuition students attended Eunoia Junior College, Nanyang Junior College, Jurong Pioneer Junior College, Temasek Junior College, Anderson Serangoon Junior College, and Hwa Chong Institution.
Mr CHY has 18 years of Biology tuition experience. He has a Master’s in Biophysical Sciences, Computational and Structural Biology from NUS, and a Bachelor’s in Biological Sciences with Medicinal Chemistry and Pharmacology (First Class Honours) from NTU. Mr GHS wrote the secondary school and junior college curriculum content for a leading group of tuition centres, where he taught for 9 years. Mr CHY’s private tuition students attended Nan Hua High School, CHIJ St Nicholas Girls’ School, Nanyang Girls’ High School Integrated Programme, St Andrew’s Junior College, Raffles Institution, and Eunoia Junior College.
Mr DJ has 9 years of Biology tuition experience. He has a Bachelor’s in Life Sciences with specialisation in Biomedical Science from NUS (2nd Upper Class Honours). Mr DJ was an MOE contract teacher at a top school for 2 years. His private tuition students attended St. Hilda’s Secondary School, Methodist Girls’ School (Secondary), Crescent Girls’ School, Catholic Junior College, River Valley High School, and Dunman High School.
Mr JL has 8 years of Biology tuition experience. He has a PhD in Biology from the University of Wisconsin. His Bachelor’s in Microbiology and Immunology was from NUS (First Class Honours). Mr JL was a relief teacher at a top junior college for 2 years. His private tuition students attended Hwa Chong Institution (Integrated Programme), Methodist Girls’ School (Secondary), Cedar Girls’ Secondary School, Eunoia Junior College, Victoria Junior College, and National Junior College.
Ms LMW has 7 years of Biology tuition experience. She has a Master’s in Biophysical Sciences, Computational and Structural Biology from NUS. Ms LMW’s private tuition students attended Catholic High School, Dunman High School, Geylang Methodist School (Secondary), Anglo-Chinese Junior College, Tampines Meridian Junior College, and Eunoia Junior College.
Mr PJM has 9 years of Biology tuition experience. He has a Master’s in Microbiology from NTU. His Bachelor’s in Biology was from NUS (2nd Upper Class Honours). Mr PJM was the Head of Biology at a group of tuition centres where he taught for 7 years. Mr PJM’s private tuition students attended Presbyterian High School, Paya Lebar Methodist Girls’ School (Secondary), Nanyang Girls’ High School, National Junior College (Integrated Programme), Anderson Serangoon Junior College, and Victoria Junior College.
Mr OMK has 14 years of Biology tuition experience. He has a Bachelor’s in Medical Biology from NTU. Mr OMK taught at a leading tuition centre for 4 years. His private tuition students attended St. Patrick’s School, Punggol Secondary School, School of Science and Technology, Catholic Junior College, Tampines Meridian Junior College, and Anglo-Chinese Junior College.
Mr SG has 9 years of Biology tuition experience. He has a Bachelor’s in Life Sciences with specialisation in Molecular & Cell Biology from NUS (First Class Honours). Mr SG taught at a tuition centre for 2 years. His private tuition students attended Teck Whye Secondary School, St. Anthony’s Canossian Secondary School, Raffles Girls’ School (Secondary), Yishun Innova Junior College, Dunman High School, and River Valley High School.
Mr DT has 10 years of Biology tuition experience. He has a Bachelor’s in Life Sciences with specialisation in Molecular & Cell Biology from NUS (Honours). Mr DT wrote the junior college content curriculum for a group of tuition centres, where he taught for 7 years. His private tuition students attended Anderson Serangoon Junior College, Tampines Meridian Junior College, National Junior College, Dunman High School, Anglo-Chinese Junior College, and Temasek Junior College.
Mr EMH has 15 years of Biology tuition experience. He has a Master’s in Biology, and a Bachelor’s in Biomedical Engineering (2nd Upper Class Honours) from NTU. Mr EMH’s private tuition students attended Nanyang Junior College, River Valley High School, Temasek Junior College, Eunoia Junior College, Anglo-Chinese Junior College, and Hwa Chong Institution.
Ms RE has 10 years of Biology tuition experience. She has a Bachelor’s in Biochemistry from NUS (Honours). Ms RE was an MOE contract teacher for 1 year. Her private tuition students attended Peicai Secondary School, Anderson Secondary School, Tanjong Katong Girls’ School, Catholic High School Integrated Programme, Catholic Junior College, and St Andrew’s Junior College.
Ms KT has 12 years of Biology tuition experience. She is NIE-trained and taught at MOE schools for 6 years. Ms KT has a Bachelor’s in Life Sciences from NTU (Honours). Ms KT’s private tuition students attended Zhonghua Secondary School, Hwa Chong Institution Integrated Programme, Westwood Secondary School, Orchid Park Secondary School, Geylang Methodist School (Secondary), and St Andrew’s Secondary School.
Mr KKL has 11 years of Biology tuition experience. He has a Bachelor’s in Biological Sciences from NTU. His private tuition students attended Deyi Secondary School, Jurongville Secondary School, CHIJ Katong Convent, Dunman High School Integrated Programme, Nanyang Junior College, and Jurong Pioneer Junior College.
Ms GHP has 9 years of Biology tuition experience. She is NIE-trained and taught at MOE schools for 7 years. Ms GHP has a Bachelor’s in Life Sciences with specialisation in Molecular & Cell Biology (Honours) from NUS. Ms GHP’s private tuition students attended St Anthony’s Canossian Secondary School, Montfort Secondary School, Hai Sing Catholic School, Yuan Ching Secondary School, Whitley Secondary School, and Anglo-Chinese School (Barker Road).
Ms ESW has 12 years of Biology tuition experience. She has a Master’s in Biophysical Sciences, Computational and Structural Biology from NUS. Her Bachelor’s in Biochemistry was from NUS (2nd Upper Class Honours). Ms ESW’s private tuition students attended Catholic High School Integrated Programme, CHIJ St Nicholas Girls’ School Integrated Programme, Woodlands Ring Secondary School, Catholic Junior College, Hwa Chong Institution, and River Valley High School.
Mr MN has 13 years of Biology tuition experience. He is NIE-trained and taught at junior colleges for 9 years. Mr MN has a Bachelor’s in Medical Biology from NTU (Honours). His private tuition students attended Anglo-Chinese Junior College, Jurong Pioneer Junior College, St Andrew’s Junior College, Temasek Junior College, Yishun Innova Junior College, and Raffles Institution.
Ms BA has 14 years of Biology tuition experience. She has a PhD in Cellular Microbiology from Cornell University. Ms BA’s Bachelor’s in Life Sciences with specialisation in Biomedical Science was from NUS (First Class Honours). Her private tuition students attended NUS High School of Mathematics and Science, Methodist Girls’ School (Secondary), Cedar Girls’ Secondary School Integrated Programme, Victoria Junior College, River Valley High School, and National Junior College.
Ms HRY has 13 years of Biology tuition experience. She has a Bachelor’s in Biological Sciences from NTU. Ms HRY was an MOE contract teacher for 2 years. Her private tuition students attended Sembawang Secondary School, Pasir Ris Crest Secondary School, Maris Stella High School, Catholic Junior College, Jurong Pioneer Junior College, and St Andrew’s Junior College.
Mr TE has 10 years of Biology tuition experience. He has a Bachelor’s in Life Sciences from NTU. Mr TE taught at a tuition centre for 4 years. Mr TE’s private tuition students attended Xinmin Secondary School, Springfield Secondary School, Regent Secondary School, Anglo-Chinese Junior College, Eunoia Junior College, and Victoria Junior College.
Mr SS has 8 years of Biology tuition experience. He has a Bachelor’s in Biochemistry from NUS. His private tuition students attended Tampines Secondary School, Victoria School, Yuying Secondary School, Anderson Serangoon Junior College, National Junior College, and Temasek Junior College.
Ms AG has 12 years of Biology tuition experience. Ms AG has a Bachelor’s in Life Sciences from NUS (Honours). She taught at a tuition centre for 2 years and was an MOE contract teacher for 3 years. Ms AG’s private tuition students attended Riverside Secondary School, Anglo-Chinese School (Independent), CHIJ St Theresa’s Convent, Eunoia Junior College, Nanyang Junior College, and Jurong Pioneer Junior College.
Mr WHE has 13 years of Biology tuition experience. He has a Master’s in Biophysics from NTU. Mr HWE has a Bachelor’s in Biochemistry from NUS (2nd Upper Class Honours). He was the Head of Science at a leading group of tuition centres. Mr HWE’s private tuition students attended St Anthony’s Canossian Secondary School, Raffles Girls’ School (Secondary) Integrated Programme, Nan Chiau High School, Anglo-Chinese Junior College, Raffles Institution, and National Junior College.
Ms PKN has 7 years of Biology tuition experience. She has a Bachelor’s in Biochemistry from NUS. Ms PKN taught at a tuition centre for 3 years. Her private tuition students attended Punggol Secondary School, Marsiling Secondary School, Paya Lebar Methodist Girls’ School (Secondary), Tampines Meridian Junior College, River Valley High School, and Yishun Innova Junior College.
Ms SLH has 8 years of Biology tuition experience. She has a Bachelor’s in Life Sciences from NTU. Ms SLH was an MOE contract teacher for 1 year. Her private tuition students attended Ngee Ann Secondary School, Swiss Cottage Secondary School, Kent Ridge Secondary School, Anderson Serangoon Junior College, Hwa Chong Institution, and St Andrew’s Junior College.
Mr SL has 9 years of Biology tuition experience. He is NIE-trained, and taught at an MOE school for 4 years. Mr SL has a Bachelor’s in Medical Biology from NTU (Honours). Mr SL’s private tuition students attended Montfort Secondary School, Hai Sing Catholic School, CHIJ Secondary (Toa Payoh), Yishun Town Secondary School, Unity Secondary School, and Cedar Girls’ Secondary School Integrated Programme.
Ms AW has 6 years of Biology tuition experience. She has a Bachelor’s in Biochemistry from NUS (First Class Honours). Ms AW was an MOE contract teacher for 2 years. Her private tuition students attended Dunman High School Integrated Programme, Tampines Secondary School, Hillgrove Secondary School, Catholic Junior College, Jurong Pioneer Junior College, and Victoria Junior College.
Ms RY has 10 years of Biology tuition experience. She has a Bachelor’s in Life Sciences from NTU. Ms RY taught at tuition centres for 5 years. Her private tuition students attended Queensway Secondary School, Loyang View Secondary School, Raffles Institution (Secondary) Integrated Programme, Anglo-Chinese Junior College, River Valley High School, and St Andrew’s Junior College.
Mr EN has 7 years of Biology tuition experience. He has a Bachelor’s in Life Sciences from NUS (First Class Honours). Mr EN was an MOE contract teacher for 2 years. His private tuition students attended Singapore Chinese Girls’ Secondary School, Damai Secondary School, Fuhua Secondary School, Tampines Meridian Junior College, Raffles Institution, and Jurong Pioneer Junior College.
Ms GRS has 12 years of Biology tuition experience. She has a Master’s in Biophysical Sciences from NUS. Her Bachelor’s in Pharmacology was also from NUS (2nd Upper Class Honours). Ms GRS was an MOE contract teacher for 1 year. Her private tuition students attended Yishun Secondary School, Anglo-Chinese School (Barker Road), CHIJ St Nicholas Girls’ School Integrated Programme, Eunoia Junior College, National Junior College, and Yishun Innova Junior College.
Ms CYW has 8 years of Biology tuition experience. She has a Bachelor’s in Biological Sciences with 2nd Major in Biomedical Structural Biology from NTU. Ms CYW taught at a tuition centre for 5 years. Her private tuition students attended St Patrick’s School, West Spring Secondary School, Serangoon Garden Secondary School, Jurong Pioneer Junior College, Dunman High School, and National Junior College.
Ms BT has 9 years of Biology tuition experience. She has a Bachelor’s in Biological Sciences with 2nd Major in Biomedical Structural Biology from NTU. Ms BT taught at a tuition centre for 7 years. Her private tuition students attended Sembawang Secondary School, Ang Mo Kio Secondary School, CHIJ Katong Convent, Nanyang Junior College, Yishun Innova Junior College, and Raffles Institution.
Ms JC has 13 years of Biology tuition experience. She has a Master’s in Biology and a Bachelor’s in Biochemical Engineering (2nd Upper Class Honours) from NTU. Ms JC was an MOE contract teacher for 3 years. Her home tuition students attended Anglican High School, CHIJ St Joseph’s Convent, Cedar Girls’ Secondary School Integrated Programme, National Junior College, Tampines Meridian Junior College, and Anglo-Chinese Junior College.
Ms HW has 12 years of Biology tuition experience. She is NIE-trained and taught at MOE schools for 9 years. Ms HW has a Bachelor’s in Biology from NUS (Honours), and taught at a leading tuition centre for 4 years. Her home tuition students attended St Andrew’s Secondary School, Methodist Girls’ School (Secondary), Victoria School Integrated Programme, Anderson Serangoon Junior College, Hwa Chong Institution, and Temasek Junior College.
Expert Help & Guidance In Homework Preparation, Completion Of Assignments And Projects, Intensive Syllabus Revision, Exam Skills
MOE's Biology GCE O and A Level Exam Requirements
Candidates should be able to:
- follow a sequence of instructions
- use techniques, apparatus and materials
- make and record observations, measurements and estimates
- interpret and evaluate observations and experimental results
- plan investigations, select techniques, apparatus and materials
- evaluate methods and suggest possible improvements
Score More Marks - Important Biology Concepts That You Must Understand, In Order To Achieve Better Grades
- Cell Structure and Organisation
- Movement of Substances
- Biological Molecules
- Nutrition in Humans
- Nutrition in Plants
- Transport in Flowering Plants
- Transport in Humans
- Respiration in Humans
- Plant and Animal Cells
- Specialised Cells, Tissues and Organs
- Identify cell structures (including organelles) of typical plant and animal cells from diagrams, photomicrographs and as seen under the light microscope using prepared slides and fresh material treated with an appropriate temporary staining technique
- Chloroplasts
- Cell surface membrane
- Ribosomes
- Compare the structure of typical animal and plant cells
- Absorption – root hair cells
- Conduction and support – xylem
- Transport of oxygen – red blood cells
- Differentiate cell, tissue, organ and organ system
- Movement of Substances
- Diffusion
- Water and Living Organisms
- Carbohydrates, Fats and Proteins
- Enzymes
- The roles of water in living organisms
- The chemical elements which make up carbohydrates, fats, proteins
- Starch (iodine in potassium iodide solution)
- Reducing sugars (Benedict’s solution)
- Protein (biuret test)
- Human Alimentary Canal
- Chemical Digestion
- Absorption and Assimilation
- Learning Outcomes
- The functions of main regions of the alimentary canal and the associated organs: mouth, salivary glands, oesophagus, stomach, duodenum, pancreas, gall bladder, liver, ileum, colon, rectum, anus, in relation to ingestion, digestion, absorption, assimilation and egestion of food
- The role of the liver in
- Carbohydrate metabolism
- Fat digestion
- Breakdown of red blood cells
- Metabolism of amino acids and the formation of urea
- Breakdown of alcohol
- Excessive consumption of alcohol: reduced self-control, depressant, effect on reaction times, damage to liver and social implications
- Vascular bundles in transport
- The equation, in words and symbols, for photosynthesis
- The intake of carbon dioxide and water by plants
- Chlorophyll traps light energy and converts it into chemical energy for the formation of carbohydrates and their subsequent uses
- Th effects of varying light intensity, carbon dioxide concentration and
- temperature on the rate of photosynthesis (e.g. in submerged aquatic plant)
- Light intensity, carbon dioxide concentration and temperature
- The movement of water between plant cells, and between them and the environment in terms of water potential
- The pathway by which water is transported from the roots to the leaves through the xylem vessels
- Transpiration and explain that transpiration is a consequence of gaseous exchange in plants
- The electromagnetic spectrum
- Energy changes (potential energy, activation energy, chemical bond energy)
- Molecules, atoms, ions, electrons
- Acids, bases, pH, buffers
- Isotopes, including radioactive isotopes
- Oxidation and reduction
- Hydrolysis, condensation
- The Cell and Biomolecules of Life
- Genetics and Inheritance
- Energy and Equilibrium
- Biological Evolution.
- Infectious Diseases
- Impact of Climate Change on Animals and Plants.
- Linkage and crossing-over
- Interaction between loci
- The effect of genotype and environment on the phenotype
- Bacteriophages that reproduce via a lytic cycle only, including T4 phage
- Bacteriophages that reproduce via lytic and lysogenic cycles, including lambda phage
- Enveloped viruses, including influenza virus
- Retroviruses, including HIV
- Excretion in Humans
- Homeostasis
- Co-ordination and Response in Humans
- Reproduction
- Cell Division
- Molecular Genetics
- Inheritance
- Organisms and their Environment
- Cell wall
- Cytoplasm
- Cell vacuoles (large, sap-filled in plant cells, small, temporary in animal cells)
- Nucleus
- Endoplasmic reticulum
- Mitochondria
- Golgi body
- Osmosis
- Active Transport
- Define osmosis and describe the effects of osmosis on plant and animal tissues
- Define active transport and discuss its importance as an energy-consuming process by which substances are transported against a concentration gradient, as in ion uptake by root hairs and uptake of glucose by cells in the villi
- Fats (ethanol emulsion)
- Glycogen from glucose
- Polypeptides and proteins from amino acids
- Lipids such as fats from glycerol and fatty acids
- Enzyme action in terms of the ‘lock and key’ hypothesis
- The mode of action of enzymes in terms of an active site, enzyme-substrate complex, lowering of activation energy and enzyme specificity
- Temperature and pH effect on the rate of enzyme catalysed reactions
- Peristalsis in terms of rhythmic wave-like contractions of the muscles to mix and propel the contents of the alimentary canal
- The functions of enzymes (e.g. amylase, maltase, protease, lipase) in digestion, listing the substrates and end-products
- The structure of a villus and its role, including the role of capillaries and lacteals in absorption
- The function of the hepatic portal vein as the transport of blood rich in absorbed nutrients from the small intestine to the liver
- Leaf Structure
- Photosynthesis
- Learning Outcomes
- Identify and label the cellular and tissue structure of a dicotyledonous leaf, as seen in transverse section using the light microscope and describe the significance of these features in terms of their functions
- Distribution of chloroplasts in photosynthesis
- Stomata and mesophyll cells in gaseous exchange
- Transport in Flowering Plants
- Water and Ion Uptake
- Transpiration and Translocation
- Identify the position of the functions of xylem vessels, phloem (sieve tube elements and companion cells) in sections of a herbaceous dicotyledonous leaf and stem, using the light microscope
- Relate the structure and functions of root hairs to their surface area, and to water and ion uptake
- The effects of variation of air movement, temperature, humidity and light intensity on transpiration rate
- How wilting occurs
- Translocation as the transport of food in the phloem tissue and illustrate the
- process through translocation studies
- Human Circulatory System
- Identify the main blood vessels to and from the heart, lungs, liver and kidney
- DNA – structure and function
- Central Dogma – DNA to RNA, RNA to protein
- The structure of eukaryotic chromatin
- The genetics of viruses
- The genetics of bacteria
- Genome organisation at the DNA level
- Control of gene expression
- DNA analysis and genomics
- Mutations
- Replication and division of nuclei and cells
- Understanding of chromosome number and variation
- Effect of meiosis on chromosome number and variation
- The molecular biology of cancer
- The passage of information from parents to offspring
- Genotypes and phenotypes
- Dihybrid crosses