Study Correctly

The Best Integrated Programme Tuition in Singapore

We have 2,900+ experienced & qualified tutors who specialize in only Integrated Programme Home Tuition for the following:

  • English Integrated Programme Tuition
  • Mathematics Integrated Programme Tuition
  • Chinese Integrated Programme Tuition
  • Biology Integrated Programme Tuition
  • Chemistry Integrated Programme Tuition 
  • Physics Integrated Programme Tuition
  • Social Studies Integrated Programme Tuition
  • Literature Integrated Programme Tuition
  • Geography Integrated Prorgramme Tuition
  • History Integrated Programme Tuition
  • Malay Integrated Programme Tuition
  • Tamil Integrated Programme Tuition
  • Economics Integrated Programme Tuition

Exam paper questions these days are usually set quite differently from the syllabus, so direct application learnt from concepts in textbooks is not enough

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- Singapore's Biggest Database Of 55,000+ Tuition Teachers - MOE Teachers, Graduated/Undergraduate Tutors with Bachelor's, Master's, PhD In The Subject They Teach
- Results Guaranteed

Integrated Programme Tuition Singapore

What To Expect From Study Correctly's Integrated Programme Tuition Teachers


Pick Your Ideal Tutor From Our Database of 2,900+ Experienced Integrated Programme Tuition Teachers


Latest MOE Syllabus And Newest Exam Requirements


Proven Methods To Scoring Well For Each Component Of Integrated Programme Subjects


Develop Sharp Analytical Skills. Learn Tried And Tested Essential Methods To Think Deeply And Produce Concise, Relevant, And Accurate Answers


1 to 1 Integrated Programme Home Tuition Lessons = Devoted Focus And Attention From Your Dedicated Tutor 


Fun And Engaging Tuition Lessons That Motivate Students To Learn “Boring” Subjects


Get Clear, Step By Step Explanations Of Concepts For Integrated Programme Subjects. Master Difficult Content From Every Chapter. No More Homework Frustrations


Learn From Integrated Progamme Tutors In The Comfort, Convenience, And Safety of Your Own Home


Practice Expert Techniques For Responding To Structured And Application Questions. Gain More Marks, Faster 


Home Tuition Rates Singapore

Our home tuition rates are constantly updated in real-time, and are based on rates quoted by good home tutors in Singapore. These market rates are derived from 39,000+ monthly tuition assignment applications from our pool of 55,000+ active home tutors

Tutors With 2 to 30+ Years of Private Tuition Experience

Tutor Hourly Rates



Master's/PhD/MOE Teachers

Primary School

$25 - $35

$35 - $45

$50 - $70

Secondary School

$30 - $40

$40 - $55

$60 - $90

Junior College

$40 - $50

$60 - $80

$90 - $120


$40 - $60

$60 - 90

$100 - $120

Challenges Faced By Integrated Programme Students In Singapore

Challenges Faced By POA Students in Singapore

>  You did well for your PSLE, and have been accepted into the Integrated Programme. Your primary school classmates, relatives and friends admire and/or envy you

>  Then, you find that instead of being at the top of your class, your grades are now putting you at the 50th or worse percentile…because everyone else in your class from schools all over Singapore had also done well for their PSLE, and are now competing with you for the top places in class

>  To add to the stress, you know that only 70% of each Junior College cohort is accepted into the 6 local government-funded universities. The remaining 30% will continue their tertiary education at private institutions

>  About 30% of each Polytechnic cohort will be admitted into the local universities

>  The starting and mid-career salaries between those who obtained their Bachelor’s from the local universities and private institutions can vary by as much as 40%

>  The curriculum design and pedagogy of the Integrated Programme are based on well-researched models in gifted education, and are designed to stretch students’ breadth and depth of understanding each of the subjects they are taking from Year 1 to Year 6

>  Six years in the Integrated Programme will pass faster than you realize. You are expected to learn History or Geography at twice the speed of the Express Stream students. The breadth and depth of Maths lessons in school is interesting to your classmates, but there are days you find it difficult to apply the rules and theories

>  Anxiety levels rise each time assignments cannot be completed in time, and students dread the marks that they might achieve. Teachers in the Integrated Progamme often expect more from their students, and it is sometimes difficult to find the answers that teachers want

>  Sometimes, IP students think that their academic future seems bleak – if they cannot even clear the pace at which IP subjects are taught, whereas their classmates seem to be effortlessly scoring the A grades that seem frustratingly un-achievable for you – how will they cope when or if they are able to get a place in university? Especially when they are aiming for the most competitive and prestigious programmes in either the local universities, or in the best universities in the UK and the US

>  Entry to good universities in Singapore and overseas does not depend on academic grades only. The student’s portfolio of achievements outside academic classes is always reviewed by the university admissions staff, should there be a few students with similar academic accomplishments applying for the same limited places in coveted courses. In order to be even considered for their portfolio achievements, they must first have done well academically. So no matter what, every student needs to score very good grades in order to be allowed to proceed further than their A Levels

Benefits of Engaging a Reliable Integrated Programme Home Tuition Teacher

Just when you have finished preparing for one quiz, there is another coming up in 2 weeks’ time. Every day, new homework assignments and projects are added to a never-ending to-do list. 

You can keep up, but just barely. This is stressful, especially when you dread the day when you cannot finish your homework in time because you don’t have the answers to the questions that your teachers asked.

Worse, your classmates – who are in your class because you had previously been achieving similar grades to theirs – are able to get the answers right. Very discouraging.

Good Integrated Progamme home tuition teachers will give you 1 to 1 attention, so that you can ask them how to solve those difficult homework and exam problems. 

They already have a Bachelor’s (or are about to get one. Or they might have a Master’s or PhD in the subject that they are teaching you. 

You can therefore direct your questions to an expert during your one-to-one home tuition sessions. Learn more, brainstorm and get guidance for concepts that are being taught at university-level. 

As they are experienced in teaching students in your academic level, they can easily and clearly explain to you what you need to know and do in order to gain much higher marks.

Your Integrated Programme home tutors would also have materials to share with you – whether they are exam or homework assignments from other schools, or recommendations to buy workbooks that are most suitable for you to practice on, in order to gain mastery of the tricky concepts.

With Integrated Programme home tuition, you can get instant clarification in concepts that are difficult to understand. 

You can also receive customised lesson plans tailored to suit your unique learning style and understanding of the different Integrated Programme topics, so that you may better absorb the content and understand the concepts.

Your Integrated Programme private tuition teachers are very familiar with the latest MOE syllabus and exam requirements. They have been teaching for between 2 to over 30 years and can identify the areas that you should focus on, according to your grade targets and pace of learning.

Integrated Programme subjects can include content that is challenging for many students. Our Integrated Programme tuition teachers are experienced in teaching students at your academic level. They are familiar with the common misconceptions and mistakes made by Integrated Programme students.

Double-checking your answers is useful only if you know how to look out for the answers that the MOE really wants you to give.

Learn how to accurately analyze the questions, so that you can arrive at the answers that give you maximum marks.

Professional Integrated Programme tutors are able to show you how IP concepts are applied when answering difficult exam questions.

You lost interest and became frustrated only because much of the syllabus did not make sense. 

Once there is clarity and you are able to perform the simple and then the advanced tasks, your sense of achievement will lead you to better grades and even stronger mastery of English, Maths, Chinese, Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Economics, Geography, History, Literature, Mother Tongue, Malay, and Tamil.

Whether in Year 1 or Year 6, many Integrated Programme students fear speaking up during lessons and asking questions due to their fear of being laughed at in class. 

Integrated Programme 1 to 1 home tuition teachers will show students how to have a better understanding of their lessons in school. 

This gives them the confidence of answering questions when faced with unexpectedly challenging problems during school and national exams.

You already have advanced critical thinking and analytical skills – that is why you are in the IP – and when you have a professional academic mentor to guide you further, your grades and subject mastery will definitely improve significantly

The IP syllabus can be difficult to master, given the amount of content and advanced concepts involved. 

Engaging the best Integrated Programme tuition teacher in Singapore can ensure that you can consult the home tutor when encountering any difficult content. 

Your IP tutor will teach according to your learning pace. If you prefer, you may opt to learn ahead of the syllabus, thus ensuring that you are well-prepared for classes and school examinations.

Our qualified Integrated Programme tuition teachers are experienced and have thorough understanding of the common problems faced by IP students. 

They will be able to dissect difficult Integrated Programme topics into simpler concepts, and customize learning materials to improve students’ understanding of these topics. 

Increase your ability to give the RIGHT answers that your school exams and GCE A Level exams require of you. 

Hire the most reliable and professional Integrated Programme private tutors, to help you succeed.



Important Skills Taught By Study Correctly's Integrated Programme Tuition Teachers

Understand Content From Every Difficult Chapter
Accurate Application Of Concepts
Clear And Sequential Workings To Arrive At The Most Appropriate Answers
Correct Interpretation Of Tricky Questions
Effectively Memorise Theories & Terminology
Precise Use Of Terminology To Answer Exam Questions
Using The Right Formulas & Laws
Concise & Well-Organized Arguments
Answering Techniques To Handle All Types Of Unconventional & Unexpected Questions
Case Study Analysis Techniques
Meticulous Double Checking Your Answers & Calculations. Efficient Time Management
No More Careless Mistakes

Good Recommendations & Positive Feedback From Parents & Students

Benefits from hiring experienced Integrated Programme Tuition teachers from Study Correctly

Being business owners, my wife and I are strong believers in "You get what you pay for". We do not have an unlimited budget, but Stephen's future is very important to us, and we want him to have the best tuition teacher that we can afford. We hired 3 tutors, two of whom have PhD's and one has a Master's. Stephen's grades are always A's throughout his IP years. Highly recommended that parents don't take risks with sub-par tutors.
Consistent A's
I was stunned when I had a C for Physics. I can't remember ever having such a low score for any subject in my entire life. I managed to find a very good Physics tuition teacher who showed me where my mistakes were. I managed to score an A for my A Levels, and I was accepted into the Renaissance Engineering Program at NTU.
C to A
My parents' expectations since I was in Primary 1 was that I will do well enough at A Levels to be accepted by the best British universities, like they were. I am now reading Law at Cambridge. We hired 4 tutors for different subjects, at different points of my IP journey. Very well worth all those hours of practice they put me through.
Ru Ting
Consistent A
At almost every exam in primary school, my teachers were very proud of my grades and the quality of my answers. Then came IP. I became "average" and this was depressing while it lasted. My mum found 2 tutors for me, and I am back to being closer to the top of the class for those 2 subjects now.
B to strong A


  • Our Integrated Programme tuition teachers range from current & former MOE teachers to undergraduate & graduated tutors (Bachelor’s, Master’s, PhD) majoring in the subject that you are seeking tuition for. Every tutor whose profile we will show you has a strong record of helping their students’ marks increase. They scored A’s for their own GCE A Level exams, and can teach you effective exam tips and techniques so that you can achieve a quick boost to your grades
  • To aid your selection, Study Correctly will recommend only tutors who have relevant degrees (Bachelor’s, Master’s, PhD) in the subjects they teach. Each tutor must also have a track record of helping their students’ grades improve
  • The MOE changes the syllabus whenever there is a need to be current with industry/the economy’s needs, trends and developments
  • These changes affect the Integrated Programme subject content – and importantly – the exam requirements and answer formats of English, Mathematics, General Paper, Economics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Geography, Literature, History, Chinese, Malay, Tamil, and Mother Tongue
  • It is crucial that the Integrated Programme private tuition teacher is familiar with the most updated syllabus, and that what they teach during tuition does not contradict what is taught in your IP school  
  • When providing recommendations of carefully-shortlisted tuition teachers, Study Correctly will describe the relevant teaching experience of our tutors to assure you of their abilities to help students at your level to progress academically, and achieve higher grades
  • Our tutors are familiar with the newest MOE syllabus, and they have taught students at your academic level
  • Study Correctly accepts tutor applications only when the tuition teacher has a degree (or is in the process of obtaining a degree) in the subject that they teach. This is to ensure that the private tutor has the necessary knowledge and expertise to adequately teach the correct content as well as to help the student arrive at error-free answers when responding to important exam questions
  • The syllabus, content and examination practices differ for each level of education
  • For Integrated Programme students, many of them are frustrated with not being able to instinctively understand the content that is taught by their school teachers
  • When providing recommendations of carefully-shortlisted tuition teachers, Study Correctly will describe the relevant teaching experience of our tutors to assure you of their abilities to help students at your level to progress academically, and achieve higher grades
  • Homework is given by school teachers so that their students can practice what was taught in school. It is important to be up to date in doing your homework, so that you can internalize the content. When you hand in your homework, you will find out if you managed to correctly understand what was taught in school. Knowing this helps tremendously when you are revising content for your school exams and for the national exams. Revision is not useful if you are learning and re-learning the wrong concepts that you think are right. Giving your teacher the wrong answers will not help you gain higher marks
  • Study Correctly’s Integrated Programme tutors are experienced and have strong knowledge of the exact skills and content that a student will need to excel in each of the chapters that you must master, in order to do well in your exams. Our tutors are also able to create personalized learning schedules, so that their students are able to understand, absorb and retain new knowledge, more efficiently and within a short period of time
  • Our Integrated Programme tuition teachers have between 2 to 30+ years of experience in teaching students who are often from different schools. These tutors have accumulated notes and past year papers that they can provide to you for additional practice. Some tutors also prepare mind maps, common questions and pitfalls in past year papers, as well as self-designed practices referenced from assessment books
  • Study Correctly will indicate if the tutor is able to provide materials and resources for their students, in our tutors’ profiles
  • Students each have different starting points as well as grade goals. Some students want to consistently score an A, and some students are aiming to get a C or a B for their national exams. Your Integrated Programme tuition teacher will evaluate your learning needs, and will suggest workbooks and practice sheets that are most suitable for you so that you can master content that will help you quickly achieve your grade targets
  • It is important that the Integrated Programme tuition teacher puts in the best effort when guiding and teaching you. A dedicated tuition teacher will ask pertinent questions in order to know which areas you are struggling with. A committed tutor is punctual and rarely would suggest that the lesson has to be re-scheduled. Competent tutors have scored A in the subject(s) they are teaching when they took their GCE A Level exams, and they would have at least a Bachelor’s in the same subject that they are now teaching. This means that their professional knowledge of the subject(s) they are teaching can help you achieve better grades, whether you are in IP1 or in the graduating class of IP6
  • When recommending tutors, Study Correctly will facilitate communication between you and the tutor to ensure that both parties have a common understanding of expectations before confirming the tuition arrangements
  • It is often the best for you to continue with one good tutor if the tuition teacher is capable of teaching you and has already built a connection with you. This will ensure that you can benefit the most from his/her lessons since the tutor will be more familiar with your weaknesses and strengths, and can work on them throughout the subsequent academic levels
  • We show tutor profiles only when they had received good feedback from parents and students. The quality of the IP tutor is very important to your academic success
  • Study Correctly removes from our database the details of tutors who did not receive positive comments 


  • Education in Singapore can be overwhelming and stressful, whether you are striving to maintain an A grade, or want to avoid the risk of having weaker grades.  

  • Just as hiring the right tutor can help you confidently achieve your grade objectives, engaging the wrong tutor can bring much misery when the student receives less than stellar grades at the IP school or national exams. 

  • IP1 through IP4 subjects are the first important building blocks that students must master before they start to study even more challenging content when they eventually start their university modules. It is not possible to do well in any of them at your A Levels if you had difficulty understanding the content that was taught at IP1. 

  • Getting accepted into a good university and course of your choice is a very competitive process. No matter what changes are made to the syllabus, curriculum, or exam requirements, as long as demand exceeds the supply of places in a university, the students will have to fight for that place – whether through academic grades or other skills that are considered by the MOE to be important for holistic development.

  • Teachers in the Integrated Programme track have to teach relatively large class sizes. Even tutorial classes are not small. It is debatable whether smaller class sizes would truly help students when they are learning content that they are not familiar with, or have no interest in.

  • No matter what aptitude or academic talents a child has, it is important for every student to master General Paper, Economics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Geography, Literature, History, Chinese, Tamil, Malay, and Mother Tongue at Junior College level. This is not just for the sake of MOE requirements, but for one’s overall career aspirations, whether the student is aiming to earn a PhD, or a Bachelor’s. In order to accomplish any of these goals, every student has to first successfully complete the Integrated Programme.

  • Feeling lost when encountering the IP1 or IP6 syllabus is not a viable option because the helplessness and weak grade will snowball and become worse with each month.

  • Parents who find and engage reliable Integrated Programme tuition teachers who are friendly, energetic, strict, knowledgeable and who can teach at the student’s learning pace are helping their child to be less frightened of each chapter of content that keeps getting progressively more and more difficult.

  • Start helping your child today, to master skills so that they can confidently conquer learning material that is guaranteed to be even more challenging when the major exams are approaching.

Singapore's Largest Team Of 3,000+ Experienced Tuition Teachers Who Specialize In Teaching Only Integrated Programme Subjects

Hire Guaranteed Successful Integrated Programme Tuition Teachers. Improve Your Grades Within The First Month

Start Integrated Programme Tuition at the convenience of your own home, now. Study Correctly provides Integrated Programme Tuition Teachers all across Singapore. Learn in a safe & comfortable environment today, with us

Study Correctly - The Number 1 Integrated Programme Home Tuition Agency in Singapore

Study Correctly has a large pool of 2,900+ experienced and skilled Integrated Programme tuition teachers who have helped their students achieve a jump of 2 to 3 grades. Some Integrated Programme students managed to score distinctions despite previous failing marks.

Experience a transformation in your Integrated Programme grades, now.

Acquiring a stronger foundation in Integrated Programme subjects is possible, when you hire committed, caring and professional tuition teachers. 

Confidently find the best quality Integrated Programme tuition teachers through Study Correctly today.

Pick your ideal tutor from the 4 to 10 tuition teacher profiles that we will show you, and begin achieving better grades (and start a much happier educational journey) within this month.